Thursday, 11 May 2017

Week 10


This week, I did not do any coding but only helped my teammates in completing the documents. 

There was also some testing to be done.

This is the end of this blog.
Thanks for reading.

About 6 hrs were spent on these tasks.

while(! (succeed = try() )); 😋


Sunday, 7 May 2017

Week 9


This week me and my teammate completed the whole game. JavaFx was very nice to use. We of course had lots of errors but with the help of stack Overflow we solved them. Unfortunately, the game is not 100% complete. Some functionalities are missing.

For the display, I was not able to produce a software that could resize along with the stage.
The player status also does not change. This could have been solved in less than 15 mins with the bind method but we were running out of time.

I created all the assets that was used in the game except the Menu Screen's background.
I used Photoshop to modify some and most of them was created by myself.

I also received some help from my teammate for moving the ships on the board.

Next week, we are going to complete all the documents that need to be submitted.

About 9 hrs were spent on these tasks.

while(! (succeed = try() )); 😋


Monday, 1 May 2017

Week 8


This week, we got a confirmation that we are not allowed to use LibGdx and should go either swift or JavaFx. As javaFx is newer and more powerful, me and teammate agreed to use javaFx.

We unfortunately lost a lot of time with learning, coding and debugging LibGdx but in the end, I’m quite pleased with JavaFx.

So basically, since I know nothing of JavaFx, this week is only about tutorials and analyzing some classes that will be useful to develop my display.

Meanwhile, SVN was set up with no problems since we are now using JavaFx.

I’m sure this will go faster as JavaFx has much more tutorials and support for debugging (stack Overflow) on the internet.

Next week, I will try to finish the whole display.

About 84 hrs were spent on these tasks.

while(! (succeed = try() )); 😋


Monday, 17 April 2017

Week 7


This week I tried to fix a lot of errors in my code. There was no big improvement from last time and I’m still on animations.

I’m also not giving a lot of time for my group project cause of another assignment.
Next week, I will try a different approach for the animations.

About 4 hrs were spent on these tasks.

while(! (succeed = try() )); 😋


Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Week 6


This week, I implemented animations in my display. I used a temporary sprite animations for the ship just for testing. I also tried adding effects which for now does not work how I am expecting them to.
I will have to research more on them. I don’t receive much support also with Stack Overflow, there is so few posts about LibGdx. I’ll also look for other tutorials.

Next week, I will try to add SVN to my eclipse. This should normally be quick and direct but LibGdx is causing some problems with that.

LibGdx has to create the program itself a jar file. The jar file generates the program in 2 folders(core and desktop). These folders are then imported and for now SVN required a new workspace every time.

About 7 hrs were spent on these tasks.

while(! (succeed = try() )); 😋


Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Week 5


This week, I had to help my team with the design specification. I also continued with the basic tasks of each classes, correcting and amending new functions every time.

My next step, is thinking of how I’m going to link all classes together to make it one “working” program. I’m also having doubt of how to link my code with teammate’s code (the back-end programmer).

About 2 hrs were spent on these tasks.

while(! (succeed = try() )); 😋


Monday, 27 March 2017

Week 4


This week I went through all Quality Assurance Documents once more and concentrated more on SE.QA9 for the Java Coding Standards as I will be programming the display.

I then started thinking of how I will implement the whole display. The packages, classes, methods (public or private) and any interface or class extending another class that I should have. I will also produce my own task analysis to guide me for the implementation.

Next week, I will start with making basic parts or prototypes of the game.
I will also a very busy with an AI assignments (unrelated to this blog).

About 8 hrs was spend on these tasks.

while(! (succeed = try() )); 😋

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Week 3


Last week I was trying to play around and research LibGdx basic functions and what exactly I can do with it. The purpose of this research was to look in more details for some functions and classes that might help me or is best situated to, implement my code.

I’m also keeping a list and updating that list every time I see a function or class that I will need to create the software.

Next week, I will go in more details with each function and class. I will test all one by one, use (test) all their constructors and different functions to know the difference and if one will be more appropriate than another function or constructor of the same class.

About 7 hrs was spent on these tasks

while(! (succeed = try() )); 😋

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Week 2

Report 2:

Hi again.
So, my first task was to research and choose a library or framework to display our games. There were lots of them and in the end my list came to either, swing, javaFX, or LibGDX. There were of course much better frameworks to build games but as a novice I chose between these 3.

After having researched and tested each one, I chose LibGDX. I then presented LibGdx to my teammates for consent.

I then started learning LibGdx through tutorials found on the web. I built my first Hello World program,

My teammates requested some displays to be presented during meetings. Stuff like outputting a grid, ships, sprite and moving sprites.

The first step in the above image was learning how to display and "play" a sprite.
Then the big pirate Ship, which was, trying to move an image with user input.
Finally, displaying and "playing" sprites (The 3 small ship, bottom left) which can be moved with user input.
The grid was just to give a visual test of the 20x20 board game.

My next step right now is, to "play" 1 sprite ship and then make it move. The purpose is to make the ship play the turn left animation and then move left. After that, the sprite should stop playing until another direction is inputted by the user.

About 6 hrs was spent on these tasks.

while(! (succeed = try() )); 😋

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Week 1

Report 1:

Today's tasks:

  • How do you feel about the project?
  • What to assume about the project and you feel you will do?


How do you feel about the project?

I'm pretty optimistic about the outcome of this project. It's a good opportunity to explore working as part of a team. All the members of the team are very cooperative and this makes this assignment even more interesting. We've had a first meeting and everyone has assigned a task fir the first week. I especially like that each group member has been assigned a specific task, as this emulates working in different departments of the same company.

What to assume about the project and you feel you will do?

I believe this project will be a complete success. This project will teach a lot of important stuff like team working, game development, time management etc.. These will come in handy when working in a company.
I'm also a bit nervous about my part of work but I'm watching some tutorial to change that. 😅

What I have accomplished so far and how much I have spent on the project?

My job is to design the front end of the software after my teammates have completed the mechanism. I have already searched for several libraries that could be used to create the user interface.
In the meantime, I'm testing these libraries in Eclipse and I've watched a few tutorials on YouTube on how ti use them.

About 6 hours was spent on this task.
Welcome to my blog about the Buccaneer Project.
In the coming days, I'll be posting the account of my group project, an assignment, where my friends and I will create an online version of the board game, Waddington Buccaneer.